Masonry upkeep may entail either repair or restoration, depending on the circumstances. It’s critical to understand the difference before selecting a professional.
Masonry Repair
Repairs are required because masonry is prone to cracking and chipping. Repairing is more frequent than restoration since it entails replacing damaged pieces with fresh bricks, stones, and so on.
Caulking is a popular method to repair cracks in walls and driveways. Sand-patching or concrete filling may be required for large cracks. Depending on the item and how detailed it is, these repairs might be easy or difficult.
Masonry Restoration
When brick masons are hired, they make sure the new fragments are period-appropriate. For example, a Victorian home would require Victorian-style bricks. This process begins with ripping out the existing masonry and replacing it with fresh mortar, which is also known as repointing.
Workers will then smooth out the mortar or other covering and clean it as needed after that. The new finish is then sealed to ensure its durability. Masonry restoration is more time-consuming and expensive, but when completed, it produces a great impact.
It’s critical to take good care of these unusual buildings, no matter the job. Understanding the difference between repair and restoration ensures that the masonry gets the appropriate treatment and looks great for years to come.
You can contact our dedicated team here at ESPJ Construction if you have any questions or concerns about masonry repairs or restorations. Let us help you enhance you home and yard today!